In our last blogpost, we chatted a bit about the masculine and feminine gender of nouns. Now, we continue to explore the concept in an effort to aumentar tu vocabulario (increase your vocabulary).

El Suelo y La Suela

¿Cuál es la suela: A, B o C?

El suelo is the “ground” or “soil”. When we make the Spanish word feminine, it takes on an entirely different meaning. See if you can guess…what part of a shoe is called la suela?

El Río y La Ría

¿Cuál es la ría?: ¿A, B o C?

El río is the Spanish word for “river”. Pictured above, is the beautiful River Taff in the city of Cardiff, USA. Look at the photo to see the part of the river known as la ría. Can you guess which part is called la ría?

La Pesa y El Peso

Pesar is “to weigh” and “weights” are pesas.

When we make the word masculine, the English meaning is completely different. El peso is the name of the currency of many Spanish speaking countries. The reason its called el peso is actually related to the meaning of la pesa.

Can you guess why the currency is called el peso?

El Frente y…

El frente refers to the front part of something. Take a wild guess, what is the word for “forehead” in Spanish?

Have you written your answers? Are you ready to see if they’re correct? Drumroll please…

2 thoughts on “Aumenta tu Vocabulario

    1. Thank you for your very encouraging words. Keep in touch and be safe! Sylvia

      On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 9:44 PM Español en Trinidad wrote:



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